Jumat, 12 Oktober 2012


I try, and try again.. to in the same company with you. to get close with you. but seems it's impossible to me, to join with your company. but i won't give up. even you don't even know that i'm exist.. but i will try to make you realize that i'm here and i'm exist. i will waiting for you, forever and ever..

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Can I Forget her

Can I forget her?! Now days I try to keep myself busy, Try to waste my time with work, to make me forget about her. But it's very difficult for me. I always remember her, every days, hours, minutes, even seconds in my life.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

I still lover her

well it's already 4 months since that happened, but I still can't forget her. Her voice, her  laughing, her smile, all about her I can't forget, even worst I can't throw away from my mind. I still love her very much! But destiny want us not together, can I fight the destiny?